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Unmet Need for Palliative Care
Status: Ongoing
Topic Tags: Palliative care, India
SDG Tags: Good Health and Well-being
Scope: India
Sponsors: None
ASAR Volunteers involved: Parth Sharma, Anoushka Arora, Shreyas Patil​
According to estimates, India had 1.46 million cancer cases in 2022. However, less than 1% of patients in India have access to palliative care. A comprehensive assessment of palliative care needs is crucial for the scale-up of palliative care services in India.
Research Aims
To calculate the unmet need for palliative care in patients with metastatic cancer in India.
Advocacy Aims
The evidence generated will be used to advocate for better palliative care services in India.
BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care: Unmet need for cancer palliative care in India
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